Monday, April 27, 2009

Colorful Team!

This is a picture of the senior dance team and one of the crazy costumes. There are many shades of colors all made from the primary colors red, green, blue. The white light shines on the clothes and reflect the colors. My shirt is green because the green color is reflected to your eye. The yellow tights are made by a reflection of red and green. These combines colors are sensed by the cones in your eye as yellow even though the red and green cones are stimulated. My shorts are black because none of the colors are reflected to the eye. The white of Amber's tights (next to me) are made up of all of the colors from the white light. These colors show up in the gym like this, but on stage lighting it changes the colors. We couldn't wear these at the LCC show because the red lights for the stage lighting on this dance would change the colors. The red light on the green shirt would send only red light and the green subtracts red so it would appear black. Now i understand why stage lighting is so important!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This is my friend and me at Doris Dukes after jumping off of the rock wall. The vibrations were sent through the water from the impact of our landing. The vibrations created waves as the energy travels through the water. The molecules do not actually move forward but merely move up and down. The amplitude can be measured by finding the displacement from the equilibrium position. The frequency is the number of vibrations per sec. We could have increased the amplitude and frequency by making a larger splash to cover more surface area. The same method of measurement is used to find the wave height on our shores.